Thursday, January 12, 2012

once we were warriors

Recently I celebrated my 43rd birthday.  Not a milestone birthday by any means but,  a time to reflect on my place in life none the less.  Looking the world around me it seems that the world has gone crazy.  The economy has tanked.  Our standard of living is dropping fast.  People who in times past would have been outcast because of there negative effects on our society are now elected to the the highest offices in the land.
What is a man to do?

In times past we would have took up weapons and went out together to face this threat to our way of life.  Men want something to fight.  Once we were warriors, now we seem to be at the mercy of the world around us.  Were do we direct our defense.  There is no great warlike tribe advancing on our village to burn and pillage.  The only thing to fight against is "normal". 

But if we look in the right place we will find that enemy to face.  It may be the battle of the ages.

 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,    against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:11-13

This is were our battle lies.   We must become spiritual warriors.  Our lives and more importantly the lives of our children depend on it.  We must find our place of prayer and regain our intimate relationship with God.  To long we have struggled along living below our blessing.  We must stop thinking in terms of mortgages and eletric bills and start thinking in terms of angels and demons.  We must pray for things to move in the spiritual realm and then things in the physical realm will fall into place.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! Keep it coming! You are an inspiration to others!!
