Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gone Fishing!!

Get to take my baby girl fishing this morning.  Can't wait.  She is so  excited.  I hope that she inherits my love of the sport.  So far she seems to be a natural.

I must admit that it has been a long time coming.  I promised her a fishing trip "just me and her" sometime last year and I am just now getting to deliver.  Go to slow down and enjoy life a lot more.  How else are my kids going to learn to do so.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

searching for "neverland".

Watched the movie, "Hook"  a couple of weeks back.  The kids loved it.  Hard to believe it was the first time that had seen it.  It was a great family movie night.  Simple pleasures are the best that is for sure.

I realized that It had been too long since I had remembered how to fly.  I have to find my happy thoughts again.  The kids are the key.  We can find great joy in the simple and even the mundane if we view it through the eyes of our children.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

You Gotta Have a Dream!!

"To have a dream",  seems an appropriate theme considering we just celebrated Martin Luther King Day.  We all have dreams when we are young.  We feel we can be anything we want,  an athlete, a fireman,  an astronaut, or any of the standard cliches.  It is easy and healthy to dream when you are a kid.  But what happens when we get older and realize that we are nowhere near any of those things that we aspired to when we were young.

Thtat is why we have kids.  It give us a whole new chance to dream.  They are a whole new chance to dream.  We must be careful what kind of dreams we instill in our kids.  As a homeschool family we have a chance to shape there lives in even more ways.   I pray that I can get them dreaming God's dream and not the dreams of the world.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

once we were warriors

Recently I celebrated my 43rd birthday.  Not a milestone birthday by any means but,  a time to reflect on my place in life none the less.  Looking the world around me it seems that the world has gone crazy.  The economy has tanked.  Our standard of living is dropping fast.  People who in times past would have been outcast because of there negative effects on our society are now elected to the the highest offices in the land.
What is a man to do?

In times past we would have took up weapons and went out together to face this threat to our way of life.  Men want something to fight.  Once we were warriors, now we seem to be at the mercy of the world around us.  Were do we direct our defense.  There is no great warlike tribe advancing on our village to burn and pillage.  The only thing to fight against is "normal". 

But if we look in the right place we will find that enemy to face.  It may be the battle of the ages.

 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,    against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:11-13

This is were our battle lies.   We must become spiritual warriors.  Our lives and more importantly the lives of our children depend on it.  We must find our place of prayer and regain our intimate relationship with God.  To long we have struggled along living below our blessing.  We must stop thinking in terms of mortgages and eletric bills and start thinking in terms of angels and demons.  We must pray for things to move in the spiritual realm and then things in the physical realm will fall into place.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another Birthday

     As yet another year has come and gone I have been pondering the state in which I find my life.  I feel like a 43 year old graduate ready to start down the path of life.  Except I have a wife and two kids to take with me.  I dedcided to start this blog so maybe see my thought in print( in cyberspace at least) might help me oraganize them.  Who knows it might even benefit someone else.

    As the title boldly suggest, I am the father of 2 wonderful homeschooled children.  My wife being the adventurous soul who has chosen  to dedicate her life to teaching them.  As the dad in this wonderful niche in society it is hard to tell sometimes how we can best contribute.  What is our role in our childrens education beyond working to support the family while mom works her magic molding our kids into tomorrow's shining lights of American society.(American society need all the shining light it can get,  more on that in furture blogs)

    I told my wife after the homeschool groups Christmas party that I should start a homeschool dad's meeting.  Because while we are a prominent presence in the home when are mostly absent from the group events.  Except the train ride field trip,  what self respecting man would take a day off for that.  It is obvious that we would love to be there if not work I am sure we would.  But since we seldom make the events and aren't invited to the "mommy" meetings I figure I will use this blog to express my feelings about homeschooling,  raising children, and manhood in the modern age in general.  If I haven't lost you yet then check out my soon to be written next installment where I will move from this light and fluffy introduction into some deep and profound truths pertinent too all mankind.  Or maybe it will just be fun.